Sleeping in separate rooms


My husband and I sleep in different room. Yes, we are married. Yes, it’s by choice. Yes, sex is still amazing.

There are a few reasons as to why we do this. My husband is very sensitive to light when he sleeps. He actually prefers to sleep with his blanket over his head. Which is something I’ve never seen before. Another reason is because he works night shift, so he sleeps during the day. I don’t want to disturb him when the baby cries or when I need to change baby in the room, because obviously I need to turn on lights for me to see what I’m doing.

I prefer to sleep in separate bedrooms even if we didn’t have a kid. We have different schedules. He likes to keep his room at max functionality, while I prefer to keep my room cozy and organized. Plus the rooms are small and there is definitely not room for both of our stuff in the bedroom.

I vlog and post on YT, and my viewers know that we sleep in separate rooms. I’ve been having a lot comments like “if you guys are married, you should sleep in the same room. Period.” or “are you guys going through relationships difficulties”. I know there are trolls online and a portion of these are from people that aren’t married and don’t have a kid.

While the comments doesn’t bother me that much, I’m interested to hear y’all opinions about being married but sleeping in separate bedroom.