Morning sickness started in my 2nd trimester


Ok so my first trimester was not a breezy, I never throw up but i always felt nauseous all day everyday

Now I'm in my second trimester the nausea has kicked in full throttle 🚀...I get car sick every Time i get in the car and food is really starting to smell bad .Talk about bad timing...

My poor husband can't take it anymore he threatens to leave me home everyday.. 😔. I can't blame him , he has a weak stomach and almost barf every time I gag...sorry TMI poor guy ..

Long story short everything I've been told about the 2nd trimester being better then the first was a lie , at least in my case....

Hoping my 3rd trimester is better.. and to the lady that haven't hit the 2nd trimester mark yet ,every pregnancy is different ... but I'm going to wish you good luck anyways just in case you land in the same boat at me 😄👍🏽