Update! Peeing through the diaper, help?

Heather • 💙Otto Wayne 9/7/18 💙💚Owen David 5/22/20💚

My son is 1 week old today and in newborn diapers he was 7lbs 10oz at birth. At his pediatrician apt on Tuesday he was 6lbs 13oz (which is good because he did t lose anymore weight since discharge from the hospital) we were having some nursing issues but he seems to be doing okay now and is getting plenty to eat (I think he is having a growth spurt because he’s eating almost every 2hrs on the dot vs the 3 from the last couple of days). His circumcision is almost healed but we are still putting a little Vaseline on the front of his diaper so it doesn’t stick.

The issue is in the past two days about 5 times when he’s peed it’s soaked his clothes .

Do you think the diapers are the wrong size? Newborn onesies are too big but the 0-3month pants are okay.

Are we putting it on too tight or loose or maybe is it the vaseline?

We make sure ruffles are out everytime..

Anyone else have this issue?

Update- thanks for the advice, going up a size worked! I’m so surprised lol