Blood Transfusions Before and After Labor

Gabriella • 24, Wife, Mommy 1/26/19❤️

Hello Moms,

I want to start with basically my whole life I have been treated on and off for anemia and low iron. In the past I have been treated with iron supplements. In the beginning of my pregnancy around 11 weeks the my ob wanted me to get a cbc and differential which basically is testing my blood count. My hematocrit count was very low and so was my hemoglobin count. At 18 weeks she sent me to do more blood work and my counts and levels on the same categories came back lower then they were before. My ob called me yesterday to tell me she is sending a prescription for iron supplements and that I will have to do more blood work at 28 weeks and if my levels are still low I will be treated for anemia and have to receive blood transfusions before and after giving birth. I am just really nervous. I will be 20 weeks on Monday and just want to know if anyone else has been through this or know anything about it.