Ladies, help please!! My husband just started traveling for work...having a tough time.

November_mama • Engaged to my best friend💍Mommy to an Angel baby👶🏼💗loving life as a first time mom to a beautiful baby girl🌸

My husband and I have a very fun and openly affectionate relationship. While we both have our independence and enjoy time to ourself or with friends, we LOVE spending time together and have a very strong friendship as well as romantic relationship. I guess we’re that couple who is attached at the hip. Very openly affectionate, talk a lot, laugh tons, very family oriented.

Well, he just started traveling for work. While I do enjoy some time alone, this has been REALLY hard!! It’s hard for him too.

It’s a very lonely feeling and I’m just really down and sad when he’s gone. How to I cope? Any advice? Will it get easier? Anyone in the same boat???

Just looking for some help or something...😥