PMDD anyone?

Hyllari • Happily married 💕 Mommy of 2

So, beginning of 2015 I was diagnosed with premenstrual dysphoric disorder. I started taking Prozac daily to help curb the horrible negative feelings/thoughts that would fill my mind a few days before my period was to start. It worked and in November 2015 after tapering down my dosage, I stopped taking the Prozac because I had a feeling after 5 months of trying that we would conceive in December. Sure enough we did! Didn’t have the issue all pregnancy obviously because I didn’t have a period. After my son was born, I had postpartum depression which has almost completely gone away. I was on birth control pills for about a year after he was born, then got the Mirena IUD September of 2017. I got it removed in June 2018 because of an odd unlisted side effect I was having. (I’ll post that in a different thread/in the comments if anyone is interested.) So, we haven’t been ttc like I’d like to be. We were kind of just if it happens, it happens. So, according to Glow, af wasn’t supposed to start unlit the 19th, but lo and behold she came this afternoon! Ever since I’ve had my son and been on the different types of birth control, I hadn’t had any episodes of PMDD. For the last three days I had felt so rock bottom low, had panic attacks, felt like I was going to die, felt like I had breast cancer, felt like I should write a letter to my husband in case I died when he wasn’t home, constantly longed for my husband when he wasn’t around, felt like wasted space on earth, etc. I didn’t know what was wrong and it really didn’t click since I hadn’t felt this terrible in so many years. Once af started, the feelings I felt pretty much disappeared as if I never felt them. Does anyone else have PMDD? I have never met anyone with this same issue and anyone I mention it to thinks it’s very odd.. How do you cope or deal with it? Are there any medications you take that won’t affect a pregnancy in case we conceive?