Possibly lost fluid?? Advice/reassurance please!


Okay y’all I’m needing some advice or reassurance here.

For reference, I am a FTM, 35 weeks 4 days. I went to the chiropractor yesterday morning and I noticed yesterday afternoon I had brown-tinged mucus when I wiped. I didn’t think much of it because me and my husband were intimate the night before and figured it was just from that. Well last night before bed my back was hurting pretty badly. I woke up at 2 am and I SWEAR that I lost some fluid.. like I woke up soaked and felt more fall out into the toilet. So we go to L&D, they do the swab and tell me it was negative. No contractions on the monitor, nurse checks me and at first says I’m open about a “finger-tip” then later in the night says closed. They send me home. Today I’m having back pain again that’s kind of more intense but no tightening like contractions. I haven’t had a Braxton Hicks to this day as far as I can tell. I genuinely don’t feel like I peed my pants because I still had a very full bladder and my panties/pajama shorts had no odor to them. Embarrassingly enough I HAVE peed my pants since being pregnant and it obviously smelled different 🙈 when I wipe today I have pink/red tint to my mucus/toilet paper but I have been chalking that up to being checked.

I’m just feeling a little anxious that I lost fluid and no one caught it and my appt isn’t until Monday morning. Words of reassurance and experience are highly appreciated!!!