Un-invited guest babyshower

Would you be upset if one of your closest friend told you they were bringing their new (weeks old) boyfriend to the morning preparation of your baby shower so he could get a coffee and meet you and another friend of hers? As in you asked two friends for help setting up final touches (in your house), and one of them find it to be a good time to introduce her new boyfriend? You make it very clear that it would be best another day as you will be busy and stressed and have had a very tough long week (health issue, work troubles, kids etc...) but she insists still saying that he will be walking her to your house whatever happens and don't need to come in if it's a problem but it makes you feel awkward because of course who leaves someone outside their door so you feel obliged to still let him in and pretend that getting to know him is your top priority 3h from throwing your own baby shower you mostly organised yourself and paid in full! Is this over reacting to think this is out of line or not?