Newlyweds TTC baby #2


So my husband and I have been together since I was 16 and he was 17, high school sweethearts!!! We have been together since March 3 2007 and then was blessed with our son 5 years later. I was very happy to be having a baby but knew I did not want another baby until we were married. We finally got married May 26, 2018 and started TTC May 27th lol 🤣😂

We are now 4 months into our marriage and still enjoy TTC every month now😜. We are very hopeful that we will become pregnant very soon as is our 6 year old who talks ask on a daily if his brother is in my belly🙄😂 This pressure is real. I have had 2 miscarriages as well as 1 ectopic pregnancy so with that I ask that you send your prayers and plenty of baby dust our way!!!
