Am I overreacting?


So two days ago I got my first tattoo it was a birthday gift from my bf. Well I told my bestfriend a couple weeks before the 12th which was the day of my tattoo but I was all excited and happy! But when I told her it didn't seem like she didnt cared, or was really listening so I was like whatever so the day of the tattoo comes and I snapchat her and everything and she reads my snapchats, I snapped her 3 times. Doesn't even bother to answer me. And today she texted me saying, " Lemme guess you're not talking to me either?" I said, "Well honesly I'm a bit butthurt that you didnt say anything to me and you've just ignore me for the pass two days." And she was like I'm so sorry for being a shitty friend/person. But she ALWAYS says that like idk I think I just got butthurt cause when she got both of her tattoos I was so happy and excited for her! I was like text show me when they're done and this and that. But I don't know what do y'all think? am I overreacting?