Cheating husband; cashing in hallpass!!

You read that right ladies! My POS husband has cheated multiple times yet gave me; his faithful wife a hallpass. I’ve put up with this guy for way too long. The trust is nonexistent and the happiness is gone.

I found a guy who I’ve been talking to for a while now who actually gives me butterflies and real smiles. And you know what? That one hallpass I get out of the dozen sexual encounters my husband has had, is being used. And I’m both nervous (I HATE my body) and excited (sex that’s not vanilla!!).

I’m 22 who rushed into marriage with a narcissistic asshole. I’m allowed to be happy and enjoy my life too!!

Tell me I’m wrong?

To add; he knows the guy. I also told him I was seeing him to hang out and that I’m using the hallpass. Oddly I’m not surprised, he was not phased by my honest and seemed to have no care in the world 🤷🏼‍♀️

Also in the process of planning living arrangement and saving up to leave and file for divorce. Trying to make transition easy on my daughter.