My friend and her guy friend

***UPDATE: I briefly mentioned my concerns to my husband and he thought for sure something was going on. I still couldn’t see her doing that but then again I’m not really all that close to her. WELL....She told me today that she’s been having panic attacks and major anxiety because apparently the mutual guy friend came onto her at their house this past weekend. They were both drinking and he made a move on her so she left the room and went to sleep. She has told her husband and they’re working it out now but he is rightfully pissed about the situation. They were both drinking and she said she felt blindsided. She said she thought their relationship was more like brother or sister so she’s disappointed that she didn’t pick up on it. END OF UPDATE****

My friend has been hanging out with her husbands friend a lot since he has deployed. So much to the point that he comes over and hangs out at her house with her children and they drink beers. Her husband is deployed right now and I assume he has no issues with it but I have no clue. My husband and I were friends with her husband first so I know him better than I know her by recently we have kind of been chatting a lot online. Anyways, I don’t see any issue with her hanging out with the guy however a few things I don’t really understand. She keeps hanging out with the guy over me. Twice now she has ditched out plans because they were hanging out and this last time she didn’t even apologize. The other thing is when her husband is actually here, they never hang out with that guy friend and she never really makes plans with my husband or I. Anyways, I’d love to hear some thoughts as I could just be overthinking things here but it sounds like there may me more going on. Obviously I want to mind my own business but I have weird feelings about it all. Should I just not try to make plans with her anymore?