I'm an Angry waitress who hasn't been treated right

angel • angel s downey

So Im a trainee Iv been a waitress before so I get on with my job quite well I'm as good as another staff member. I started Monday I worked while I was ill untill I was being sick I took a morning and dinner shift off. On Tuesday night and Wednesday morning untill I stopped getting sick. And returned later that night

We have are own stations and they have been swapping me and another member of staff around the stations. Friday and Saturday are tip days as they go home. Today is Saturday I was told every single bit of money im given by the customers for my hard work on that station I had to give to others that hadn't worked as many nights as I have but had worked on that station. I don't get paid from this job untill next Thursday witch isn't bad but if iv worked on all stations most of the week shouldn't have I been aloud to keep it because it was my station, they all got money yesterday and I didn't get anything cause again to be given to staff that had worked on them stations all week...??? Again not everyday on them stations the lady who took it said it was for someone who had worked that station but she got tips Friday morning and Friday night so why does she need mine on a Saturday morning?

I think it's greedy and I think I'm being taken advantage of because iv only worked their a week

My bags get knocked on the floor my stuff hanging out no one cares. I get looks of them and I know they all talk about me I'm a pretty straight forward person. I treat people how I would like to be treated why are they acting like this