Cutting ties with family. Just venting

This has been a looong time coming and I feel relieved almost.

My mom just uses me for anytime she needs money (I am a sahm and my husband works. I am not giving her money my husband works hard for. Its not his job to support her.)

Anytime she calls me it's to ask for money or complain about her life, which she is fully able to change but wants to live off the government.

Before I was a sahm I worked and paid her phone bill, my husband is nice enough to pay it every month for her, got her 2 new phones when she lost both of hers, fixed her car when it was broke down, and more. She never even says thank you, like she's just entitled.

She (my mom) lives with my grand parents and although I have expressed my concerns about our religion and us not eating pork, my mom STILL feeds it to my daughter so now I have to limit when she goes there.

My mom will ask to see my daughter and I take her there only for her to be standing up falling asleep from her methadone. My daughter does NOT need to see her like that.

My grand father is always joking with my daughter calling her dummy which my daughter is now thinking she can call adults that.

He is always cussing around her and after multiple attempts to talk to my mom and tell her I dont want her around that behavior I am just done.

She called today to tell me not to bring her over bc she didnt get her anything for her birthday. From the pack of cigarettes she buys every day, to adderall, she couldn't buy a 10$ present before September?

I am just done with my toxic family.