In need of some advice about a job issue.

Kayla • Happily married to my high school sweetheart 💕 Mama to two sweet boys. ❤️ TTC 🌈 #3 Future nurse 🩺

My fiancé has been working for nearly one month at a small business here in Nevada. Today is his first pay day. By Nevada by law, he should have been paid by 8 AM this morning which didn’t happen. I’ll include screenshots of what his boss told him.

What are my options for filing a claim of unpaid wages if he doesn’t pay us? I just had to quit my job yesterday due to medical issues during his pregnancy and all we have coming is around $300 from my job. My fiancé is the primary breadwinner.

Who do I contact? What do we do?

Edit: he just messaged my fiancé and told him to count how many 100’s and 20s are in the till and they’d go from there. He owes my fiancé over $1,100 and my fiancé said there is no way in hell there’s more than $600 in the till.