My ugly truth 2.5 weeks postpartum


Caring for twins is HARD! My twins CRY! Most of the time when one cry the other one cry! I have help during the day and my husband may help 3xs a week “a night”! I feel so bad because he has to be up for work by 5. I’m so sleep deprived, I cry so much, I’m just not enjoying it like i should! My head won’t stop hurting, and these bags under my eyes look terrible! Most days i can’t even eat. I have 4 other kids to care for too and I’m always so angry that i feel like a bad mom! I’m scared of failure at the point and don’t feel like i can do it! I love them but don’t feel like i have what it takes to care for them! Not to mention always worried about their wellbeing! Good thing is my husband has been taking off for weekly appointments! I’ve expressed my concerns and he has been doing more and being up more at night! On the flip side I’m smaller now than i was before i got pregnant only thing is i think it’s because i haven’t been eating