Recent pcos diagnosis

So I was on the birth control patch for a year. I stopped it because it made me feel like crap. I stopped in december and I have had 4 periods since then. That’s 4 periods in 9 months. I thought it was my body still being messed up from the birth control. I went to my gyno yesterday and she said that the periods combined with sudden acne and me being overweight it is probably pcos. It makes sense because my sister, mom and maternal grandmother also have it. So she prescribed me provera so I’ll get a period. She’s also having me get hormone tests and a blood sugar test. I don’t really want to be on birth control or any medicine for the matter but I’m worried I will have to. My main problem right now is my weight. I go to the gym almost every day and I eat fairly healthy and I’m still overweight. Has anyone had their doctor prescribe a weight loss medicine?