Dramatic turn


So after trying for 6 years I finally get a good doctor and am now on my second cycle of progesterone and first round of clomid my husband now tells me that he no longer wants kids and if I want them someone else will have to give them to me this makes no since to me for a long time that's what we both wanted and all of a sudden he doesn't want them no more and if he can't rely on me to support him he wants a divorce then says maybe that's a too silly reason to get a divorce but still doesn't want kids then asks me if I'm okay with that and idk how or what to say to that idk how to feel about never having kids ever maybe I may feel I'm missing out on motherhood or maybe it'll be fine or maybe I don't want no part of this marriage anymore he wants me but wants me to only do what he wants I've got all these mixed feeling about this not sure what to do next but if I didn't have to drive him to.work everyday since he lost his license Id probably be gone by now