Troubled Christian wife’s here?


I think I just need to vent my heart a little and get some advice too. So here it goes...

I’ve been married 4 years to my husband. and for 1.5 or 2 years I’ve been dealing with something that has me broken a little inside. I know that every marriage has its ups and downs and differences. But my situation is this. I love my husband but I’m not sure I’m in love with him anymore. He has never laid a hand on me nor called me names to insult me. But he has a bad attitude a bit to strong. He’s stubborn, selfish, angers fast— like I said he has never insulted me but he gives me silent treatments that can last up until “I” try to squash things and always end up saying sorry even when I’m not wrong. He’s argumentative, I can’t tell him the truth about nothing. Somehow everything is always my fault even when there are witnesses to what really happened— he just never knows how to admit or acknowledge he’s done something wrong. He’s a ticking time bomb, he might not be loud about it but his actions are so heavy on me that he has me walking on eggshells. I never know when it’ll be a good day. I swallow my anger sometimes and keep quiet in order to make sure our day goes as planned. Especially during special events. We have no kids, we were trying he dreams of being a father. I want a baby so bad too. But at this point im an truly angry and broken inside.

I don’t like being around him. He angers me easily but I don’t show it. I avoid him if I can. I have no interest in sex anymore and I can’t tell him I love you back without thinking about it. I think about leaving everyday. How I feel is kept inside because like i said it’s hard to speak up with honesty cause even when I do it’s always my fault. I wish he would just take some time to think about his actions and recognize what he is doing wrong. I do it all the time, but I know that Christ didn’t bring us together to hold grudges or to point fingers. We have to be humble and ask for forgiveness even when we are not wrong, see I know that and I practice it but it’s getting harder each day to be the person I was once 6 years ago when we first met.

😔 I feel stuck and hurt. Help me pray!

Update ******

If you haven’t yet read some of the responses i left in some comments. You’ll find how my update on us.

Ladies thank u so much for everything!!! ❤️ May GOD keep restoring our marriages!