Boyfriend dont want me to drink

Occasion or not he dont like when I drink. Should I stop because it always causes an argument , but most of my friends drink and socialize and I enjoy it. Is it worth breaking up my family over ? Cant give up drinking.


-i dont drink every week , most is a Friday after work.

- I dont always get trashed , I'm learning to control myself.

-im 25 with two kids.

-i work full time 5 to 6 days a week as an office manager.

-my job is hella stressful.

- it dont interfere with my money , I dont spend more than $20 a week out with friends.

-my kids are taken care of.

- he is the only one calling it a problem.

-my need to keep drinking categorizes me as an "alcoholic"

-i do like to drink and feel I need it to let loose occasionally.

-he dont like my drunk self so he starts arguments and that's why we end up fighting.

- sometimes it's like should I just not because we will argue about it.

-then I'm like hell yes or else I'll be bored in the house miserable and stressed about work kids and home.

-like I said I dont do it all the time !!!
