Do symptoms come and go?


Hey ladies,

Last month I had a chemical pregnancy and even though I would’ve never known if I hadn’t tested, I’m still so anxious. I’m now 5wk4days and last night I had a dream I miscarried😩 I was up late terrified of the light period like cramping I was having and believe that’s why I had that dream. I also woke up and my nausea seems to be better which scares me 😩 I did start taking Pink Storks premium prenatal before bed that has stuff in it to help relieve morning sickness, I also ate a good meal before bed, and drank lots of water. I still have other symptoms like large, sore breasts. Ugh! Is it normal for symptoms to come and go?

Edit: I just took a test (the test on the bottom) it wasn’t even with FMU so I think I’m okay, I think my anxiety caused that scary dream! Can’t wait for a doctors appointment!