HELLP Syndrome


I’ve posted a couple of times this week about being ill and in MAU. Doctors had blamed a viral infection all week then today after I was discharged another doctor came to say she suspected it was actually HELLP syndrome given my blood results. I’m to go back tomorrow for another blood test to check levels.

Having come home and looked in to it I literally have every symptom listed and they were all written off by doctors over this week for various reasons. I’m now worrying and wonder whether I should call MAU tonight and point out hat these other complaints could be related to that as well or wait until the morning when I’m going anyway and speak to them about it then.

The vomiting was severe but has stopped. I still have diarrhoea. This is 9th day of vomiting / diarrhoea. I had chills which I blamed on the meds I was given. Nosebleeds which they blamed on retching from constantly being sick. Rib pain the physio told me came from discs in my spine. Shortness of breath they said was from low energy from constant vomiting, they listened to chest and were happy there wasn’t a rattle. Heartburn feeling they blamed on acid from vomiting so much. Now I’m not confident thst doctor was even aware of all of these other symptoms or if she based her opinion solely in the results of this mornings blood tests.

What do you think I should do?!