Mother inlaw is insane.

So my mother-in-law is awful... She is in the other room rn yelling at my husband bc he asked her what's wrong and why she is ignoring him... She gets drunk every night and harasses us constantly. We had to move back in with her bc we are saving money and finally it's getting too much for my husband though I've had an issue with it for awhile. We are newlyweds and have no alone time and if we don't go out into the living room and drink with her she will go crazy and slam things or flip it and act like we are being mean to her or something. we are young and married and want to spend time together in bed sometimes, not while she's around. She just told Kam she will never cook for him again or do his laundry etc. HE'S A GROWN MARRIED MAN WHO DIDN'T RELY ON HER FOR THAT ANYWAYS.. We try to be good Christians, we have prayed for her and confronted her about the drinking and she lashes out and acts like a child. For the past three days we have been watching 2 episodes of a show before bed, well we've done the math and she walks in the room 8 or more times in 40 minutes the whole time... My husband is stressed bc his work has been slow and we've been having to dig into our savings to buy dog food for their four big dogs, a car payment, insurance and more and it's hard rn.. Our marriage was on a string bc of our living situation and now that we are better, his mom freaks out bc we aren't constantly around her. Sorry lady but sometimes I need to spend quality time with my husband it's important is it not? She also lies constantly.. About everything. She "heard" from my father inlaw, her husband who we see everyday that we were getting an apartment bc Kams cousin did which she made up. She said that the cousin who has two kids and a husband is rebelling by moving out of her parents house and that it would be a kick in the face if we left like that... They literally gave us the title to part of their property to put a house on and that was our plan for a whole year and a half now... I can't be around this what should I do?? ps. I didn't want to move in with them but after months of my mil begging my husband to come back and save money so we can live right behind them anyways.. he finally said we're doing it and I didn't really have a choice unless I wanted to live alone.