Four months.

Tricia • May Mama💕

I always struggled with my body before I had my daughter. I never felt comfortable wearing tight shirts, tight pants. I gained 15-20 lbs during my pregnancy so I was thinking “Oh my god, I’m never going to lose this weight” but I am four months postpartum and I weigh less then my pre-pregnancy weight. For once in my entire life, I feel completely comfortable in my own body and skin. Yes, I have new marks on my belly, boobs and thighs that were never there before but I grew a human! I created a whole new person to live on this planet. I have worked hard to feel good in my body and I finally do.

Looking in the mirror makes me smile. I’m happy. I’m going to start working out to keep at this weight or even a little less but I can truly say I am happy with my body. I’m so much more tiny then I have ever been. It feels good.