When to tell


I found out this week that I am pregnant. My boyfriend is beyond excited. We are young he is 17 and will 18 in a few months and I am 18 I will be 19 next month. We want to tell our family but we don’t want them to put us down about being so young. We understand how difficult raising a child is and we will do everything that we can as parents to care for and love our baby. What we want to know I guess is how and when is it best to tell our parents. My dad told me so many times if I ever got pregnant that he would kick me out and here I am.... Pregnant Im not 100% sure how far along I am but this app says about 4 weeks I have an appointment the 19th of September to confirm. I guess what I am posting here for is to see what everyone’s advice is. When and how should I tell my dad and my boyfriends mom ?