2nd induction


Hey guys, I’m wondering if you were induced with your first baby, and induced with your second, how did your 2nd differ from your first? I was induced with my first and it was so long. I went in the night before for cervidil because I was only 1/2 cm dilated and 50% effaced. Then they started pitocin in the morning. I was on it for 12 hours 4 of which we’re at full strength. I had made zero progress. So they turned it off and wanted to do cervidil overnight again, and that sent me into natural labor 3 hours later. I labored for 7 hours, and pushed for 2. So now I am being induced with number 2 on Monday, and I’m in the same boat Cervix wise. Everyone keeps telling me the second one is more successful and faster, but I feel like they are just trying to make me feel better 🤣 looking to hear experiences on how they’ve differed for any of you ladies!