my husband doesnt trust me

I know its not the mosy mature thing but im posting this here because i just need to feel heard. all my christian friend are going through their own life events so i dont feel like i can bring up my life problems.

My husband has been low key depressed since i met him 5 years ago. we didnt know it at the time, we thought it was his normal, but as time went on i recognize it and eventually i was able to help him see it. well he is going through therapy now and its seeming to be super helpful and eye opening. But what i really didnt expect is that through the therapy we have come to realize just how much he doesmt trust people. including me. like not at all. he doesnt let me in emotionally at all and it. hurts so much. we just got in a monor tiff because for the second time in two days we went to have sex but he was being so goofy i couldnt handle it (im not against being silly in that room by any means but, i know its his way of putting walls up so he wont have to be emotionally intimate.) it hurts so much. i am 100% gift of mercy and am trusted by so many people with their deep dark emotional lives. at the risk of being prideful im the most trustworthy person i know. But he just wont let me in. he wont even make eye contact with me if he is hurting. i know i need to be patient and let the therapy do its job but my heart is breaking