Shit gp


I'm so upset and angry.

To begin with, after my daughter was born sleeping in March I made an app with my gp for a 6 week check up. I had some questions and I wanted to make sure my body was as it should be. The receptionist made a joke asking if I was a nervous first time parent?! I said no, I have questions in regards to my daughters death. She didn't reply. The doctor asked where my baby was, she insisted I went on birth control, wouldn't do a check up on me as apparently it was unnecessary and said there is no rush for children as I'm still young (I'm 27).

I put a complaint in against her.

Today I went to the gp to ask the doctor if he could refer me to the early pregnancy unit (epu) as Im 6 weeks pregnant. He said, 'why would I do that for?' I explained because my daughter was stillborn and then I had a miscarriage in June. He told me he won't refer me as they won't see me cuz you can't see anything on the scan until 8 weeks. If I'm going to miscarry there's nothing they can do about it, it's just one of those things.

I have been told since giving birth to my daughter I can have an early reassurance scan because of my history. He said they were wrong and that he'd ring them now to see what they say but no one answered. He said he'll send them a letter with my details and history and leave it upto them if they want to go against policy and see me early. Until then book in with the midwife at 8 weeks. I asked if I need to have the pregnancy confirmed with urine sample first as that's what they have made me do with my last two pregnancies. He smirked and said, 'why would we do that? We'll find out at some point if you're pregnant or not? He also said I shouldn't have gone to him for the referral, I should have seen a midwife. But that's the opposite of what I've been told in the past. I'm sick of not getting a straight answer from medical professionals. I'm sick of being treated like shit and not taken seriously. I'm sick of not knowing what I'm supposed to do when I get pregnant and not being treated with empathy and sympathy.

Oh and to top it off, as I was leaving he said, start taking folic acid, don't start smoking and don't get fat..

My gp surgery is a complete waste of space and all the docs are morons!!!


Thank you everyone for your support. The early pregnancy unit phoned me this morning. I am booked in for a scan on Friday when I think I will be 7 weeks and 1 day. They seem to be really looking after me :)

I also transfer GP surgery today, the new place made it so simple and easy and we're lovely and gave me the paperwork for the booking app. Last week I was so stressed because of a shitty doctor, and now everything seems to be working out. Thank god. I just hope everything goes well at the scan now. Xx