Holy cow!!!!!!!

Chantelle • Mother of 2. Finally had my princess after 8 years of trying. IVF baby.

No one can attest more than me what a struggle this was for me and my husband. Month after month, negative test after negative test. There wasn't a thing on the counter I didn't try, a remedy I didn't look up and convince my husband. I went to my OB last year who placed me on femara for 4 months and still nothing. I cried, I prayed, I prayed, and I cried. First, we were advised

<a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a>

by my doctor, until the fertility specialist said she thought we needed something aggressive after my husband's results. I went to three different specialists just to confirm. Well, every shot I've had to give myself over the last two months, all the medications I've had to take, all the mula I've had to spend, all of it was allllll worth it. I am beyond overjoyed. Alot of people would say testing as early as 4 days after embryo transfer is too soon, and I agree it is, but this was something I chose to do. I even expected the negative as being too soon, but despite all the different opinions, the only true thing that matters is what God has done here. Guys, after 8 years of trying....I'm pregnant!!!

Another UPDATE I am 8 days past FET! I appreciate all of you so much for your well wishes! I still can't fathom this. I keep asking my husband to pinch me. For each and every single one of you women out there trying to conceive, God is a little backed up knitting these beautiful babies for your womb, he hasn't forgotten about you. Thank you all once again!!!