Frustrated with OB about Therapy

I went off meds when my husband and I started TTC and we moved to another state recently. Now I'm pregnant and had to disclose my diagnosis with my OB and she has been hounding me to see a therapist or she will classify me as high risk. It's frustrating because my last therapist and I prepared for months for time without care because my health insurance wouldn't kick in until September and I'd be without any coverage for 3 months. I hate feeling forced into therapy simply because I'm unmedicated. It's just a scary situation to be in and frustrating because I feel like I've made so much progress in the last few years.

I have been so sick from morning sickness for the last 2 months that I haven't had the energy to do anything, so that's the main reason why I haven't looked to establish care at a practice here. My OB pretty much ambushed me about this during my checkup when my husband was there and now he's on my case, too. I've kept a lot of my mental health stuff to myself because I like my privacy and it honestly freaks my husband out. I hate that I had to talk about it so much in front of him when we have never really discussed the details of what I experience.

Not even sure the point of this post. Just frustrated.