Low fetal weight and Lovenox injections


So I’m currently 23 weeks pregnant and I’m wondering if there is any correlation between lovenox injections and low fetal weight. I’ve been on lovenox since 13 weeks due to a history of a blood clot in my eye about 10 years ago. I had my anatomy scan at 18 weeks and the ultrasound showed she was in the 8th percentile for weight and had a repeat ultrasound at 21 weeks and she was in the 6th percentile. I’m meeting with the maternal fetal medicine specialist for a more specialized ultrasound in a couple weeks to check growth again and make sure enough oxygen/nutrients are making it through the cord. They haven’t officially diagnosed me with IUGR but I’m worried they will. Has anyone had any experiences like this or could the Lovenox be causing reduced blood flow somehow? I’m trying not to freak out and appreciate any thoughts!