Apathetic Family


Y'all I am so disheartened right now. I was diagnosed with PCOS last year. I have went through 3 unsuccessful rounds of clomid. I am currently seeing a fertility specialist who is extremely optimistic that he can get me pregnant. I had an HSG done yesterday. I was discussing the results with a family member and she was questioning why I was having so much testing done. I explained the doctor was trying to narrow down what was causing the PCOS so he could treat it properly and also making sure I did not have any other underlying problems. To which her reply was, it's God. It's divine intervention keeping you from getting pregnant. My heart sank. I am at a complete loss for words. Do I feel like God is punishing me sometimes, absolutely. But I also feel like God wouldn't put doctors here to assist us if we wasn't meant to use them. I am just feeling extremely hurt. If anyone went through anything similar please give me some advise. Idk if I should just stop discussing anything pregnancy related with them or what.