My story in honor of PCOS Awareness Month 🦋


My PCOS symptoms started when I was a baby I grew peach fuzz all over even in my private areas they ran man test but at the time they couldn’t figure out what was wrong after many test the decided they wanted to do more but my mom didn’t like all the test so she finally said enough is enough so years later I had the lowest self esteem known to man .. It all started in middle school. Through out middle school I wore a jacket to school every day no matter how hot it was outside i never took it off .. I was rather chunky in middle school and very quiet I had few friends. I was very self conscious and i always felt like people were talking about me I was a chunky girl and hated my body and hated myself .. I didnt think I was pretty at all my cycle came and never came back .. In 6th grade I was diagnosed with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome which is a condition where you have many cyst on your ovaries, you can't lose weight easily and gain it easily, and you have excessive hair all over and facial hair! So in 7th grade i tried wearing foundation to cover up the facial hair but it wasnt really my look. I thought that it would be impossible for any one to love me i thought i was ugly. Every compliment seemed like a joke to me .. I was very uncomfortable around a group of people especially guys. In high school the self hate became stronger. I was quiet and shy I would cover my face with my hands as much as possible .. I had suicidal thoughts but not to the point i would act on them. I cut my wrist and hid them ... I cried many nights and wrote goodbye letters. But now I feel beyond beautiful .. Fat and all I love myself! I still have some rough days but I never look back I take a lot of pictures as a reminder to myself that I am beautiful. My favorite quote is :

"Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it." -Confucius

I believe it is beyond true. Don't let your situation make you believe that you are less then what you are and thats beautiful.

I have been diagnosed with pcos now for 11 years and I’m learning new things everyday ❤️