
i dont really know where else to post this so no hate please. i have a doctors appointment tomorrow in which i will bring this up. wanted to know if anyone else has suffered with this or knows anything?

so i have been diagnosed with depression and anxiety and am taking tablets. recently iv been hearing voices in my head, telling me to do things, these voices are not me, its like there are 10+ little people living in my brain, i can hear them all the time, i also see figures and talk to people who arnt actually there. one example was when i was walking to college, i saw a old lady walking a dog, she walked past me and started talking about the weather and i started to walk with her, i then had a phone call, said i needed to answer it and when i finished (15second call) her and her dog was no where to be seen, i asked a passer by if they saw the lady i was talking to and where she went to which they replied “there wasnt anyone with you, you was talking to yourself” i was in shock, i know i spoke to a lady that day. i also had a dream one night when a man appeared and started talking to me, i woke up and he was sat at the end of my bed. i spoke to him about his wife and the sea, my mum came in as it was like 3oclock and she could hear me talking, when she came in the man disappeared but there was a warm spot at the bottom of my bed, asif someone was sat there, im sure he was real. these are just two things iv experienced like this.

recently iv been having horrible ‘dreams’ or ‘thoughs’ (unsure how to describe them) in which im 110% sure happen, such as people dying, conversations, things happening and activities i do, to then be told none of its happened? im sure of it though, like super sure it has happened. its so hard to explain but i know these things are happening but they arnt?

i could go on and on about things i experience and things that happen but id be here all night. i just want answers please, tia x