What should I do??


Anyone who has seen my posts from yesterday knows I was wondering if I should test.. quick catch up if you don't know.. my hubby 'slipped up' during the peak of my ovulation. (Sep 2) I was supposed to start my period on the 18th, but instead I was visited yesterday by a thin, white discharge. I thought it was my period bc my underwear were wet, but nope! Had no smell.. wasn't sticky, almost milky. After he... did the deed.. 7 days later exactly (according to my logs on here) i had mild cramping that was very period-like, but not nearly as intense and only lasted that day and maybe the next. My breasts have been sore, like dull aches and I've had headaches the past 3 days.. I never have headaches. I took this test this morning.. a $1 DG test and got a negative. It shouldn't be too soon to take it if I've missed my period, right? Should I get a better test? Maybe my period is his messing with me? I have been under some extra stress lately. Maybe I'm giving myself symptoms?? HELP!