Advice please 😓


Ok I’m mad, and I know the professionals are supposed to know what they’re doing and I’m supposed to trust them but right now it’s HARD!

So I have that bile acid problem, which has gone down but is still there.. but now they’ve found RO antibodies in my blood. I asked the consultant ( who was a patronising bitch by the way) what that meant and she said it meant there was a small chance ( like 5%) that these antibodies could cause a heart block for willow. They scanned me and her heart is fine but something could still develop in the next 5 weeks because of these antibodies.

Given that willow is measuring 2 weeks big and healthy I asked if this means I will be induced at 38 weeks and they are refusing!

So they want to keep her in until 40 weeks KNOWING that while she’s in there she could develop a heart block. Are you fucking kidding me?! I’m so mad, and sooo upset.

What can I do? Can I insist they induce me?