Probably the last little date night for a while ♥

Jennifer • Hopelessly in love with my soulmate, mother of four beautiful kiddos: 💕03/03/08, 💙05/06/10, 👼💙09/28/18 - 06/02/2020, 💙03/27/2022 and current expecting #5 in July

Last night my SO took my son and I out to a much anticipated dinner at Red Lobster. I have been craving it for weeks and we haven't had a chance to go until now. We usually have all 4 kids and it gets hectic trying to go out to dinner with me being this pregnant. My daughter was at a sleepover and his boys were at their moms so it was just the three of us. My SO and my son love seafood (the other kiddos would have most assuredly ordered mac and cheese or chicken fingers 🤣) so as a special treat we let my 8 year old order from the adults menu. He was so excited to have a full seafood menu to choose from instead of just the usual popcorn shrimp etc. On the kids menu. Even though I felt like a beached whale and was approached by several people asking about when I'm due, it was such a nice evening ♥ So glad it worked out the way it did. Also can we all just take a moment to appreciate the mouth watering awesomeness that is Red Lobsters Cheddar Bay Biscuits 🤤🤤🤤🤤

I know it seems like a lot of our October group are having their babies already and the rest of us are just sitting here super pregnant and uncomfortable like wtf when will it be my turn already!!!!??? Remember to take some time to enjoy the little things during this last stretch, our babes will be here before we know it ♥♥