Breastfeeding mama wondering if baby’s getting enough?


My son is 4.5 month old and unfortunately we’ve been supplementing with formula since about 2 days old. He’s been getting four ounce bottles since he was a little over 2 months old and we haven’t increased the amount of formula because frequently he doesn’t finish his bottles or it’s sort of a battle to get him to. Pretty much after every bottle (and sometimes after breastfeeding) he spits up. There’s time where I feel like maybe he actually doesn’t need supplementation but there’s also times where I think he needs it 100%. I’m not worried about his growth, he’s about 26 inches and 19 lbs at 4.5 months so he’s definitely growing. There’s days I’m tempted to not give him formula at all but scared to cause he’ll starve without it or something. Any advice mamas?