Not the way I planned

Savannah • Mommy to Luna Grace, wife to Josh

Well it was finally my turn and did NOT go take way I planned.

Wednesday September 19th went in for my inducement date, because according to ultrasound I was having an almost 9 pound baby on top of being at that point 4 days overdue!

Well Dr decided for next day inducement as he would be on call. Came in at 8 in the morning and by 10 was on the piction (do not know how to spell this), decided against Foley bulb as I finally went from 1 to 2!

Well at 4 pm they checked and I was up to a 4 so got my water broke, hella fucking contractions that really hurt then. I held off until 6pm them couldn't take it, begged for the IV pain meds, got them in and finally around 10pm I s begging for an epurdral, something that I knew was a last resort.

After the epurdral I managed to get up to a 6 and 90% effaced. Then it slowed down.

I'll be honest I didn't think I could do it, I felt weak for even getting three epudural even though it was greatly helping me.

Without my mom here I would of broke, my poor husband was lost and didn't know how to help me because of the point I was at, but he stayed a trooper.

Finally I got to a 9 however she just wouldn't descend. So my Dr made the call for a csection, was all prepped to go back but there was an emergency one beefier me then two natural births. By the time her got back to me she still hadn't moved down anymore so it cemented the fact I was having a csection.

So this morning at 635 am my little Luna Grace was born, turns out she wad stuck sunny side up with a huge had so she never would of came out naturally 😂

She was way under the ultrasound thankfully at only 7lbs 10oz and 20 inches long!

Love her so much already!!