Is this a breakup?

So my boyfriend and I live about 1500 miles away from each other. He used to call me and text me sweet things everyday and night before and after work. Now he promises to call me in 5 minutes and doesn’t call for an hour or more. And the excuse is, “my friends wanted to go out tonight” “my friends wanted to play a video game with me” so how about letting me know instead of leaving me hanging? 3 days ago he promised he’d call and he didn’t. But when I did, he didn’t answer. So I called about a half hour later... still no answer, yet he was active in social media. So I sent him a text basically telling him that I’m tired of waiting around for him all the time and I don’t like this whole one sided relationship where it’s just me trying and not him. (Occasionally he would step up which would give me hope). I told him that the ball is in his court and to do what he wants with it... that was 3 days ago. He still hasn’t called it texted me. Does he even care? One part of me wants to get back at him and show him what it feels like... but another part just wants to wait and see what happens. What should I do?? Please help me!


Still got nothing from him.... should I do something? Or should I actually just wait for him to contact me? I just don’t want to be toyed along...