Freaking out!!!!😱🤯


Little back story..I have been seeing a reproductive dr for about 5 months now. For the past 2 cycles I have been taking Letrozole (femara). Finally he told me that with my next cycle to take the Letrozole, take my BBT like I have been, plus my routine meds (metformin) & (actos). But this time he wanted me to do the digital Clearblue OPK the pink tip one not the advanced, he said the pink tip one is more accurate. Anyways he told me to do those every day and as soon as I get a LH surge I needed to BD that night and go in the following day so he can check my follicles. And make sure that everything looks fine. He also wanted to take some samples of my fiancé’s swimmers lol to make sure they are surviving in there & also that the count was good. My appointment with him was on September 5th. I did everything he said to do then on September 11th we BD. On September 12th I woke up and took my OT (I take my meds, BBT, and test in the morning) expecting it to be a big fat negative and just a circle ⭕️, it turned out to be a great big smiley face 🙂 and the darkest line I have seen on a OPK

so I started freaking out trying to call the doctors office and no one was answering. I had to work that evening & my doctors office was like 1 1/2 away so I was calling that office like every 30 seconds lol. Anyways I finally got through explained everything to the nurse. And she said okay come on in for the ultrasound. When my doctor walked in he said “well you are here a lot earlier than we expected you to be, it might be a false positive.” My face immediately got red😡..I’m siting there thinking this better not be a false positive after all I put myself through and rushing around today to get here...gonna be late for work and everything. He said he was gonna go ahead and take a look. So laying there mad and freaking out a little I heard him start yelling out numbers. After he got done we went into his office to talk....he’s a really hard man to read so I was starting to get nervous!! So he looks at me and says “everything looks good, the medications we have you on seem to be working well, your fiancé checks out so he’s good. You have 2 very mature follicles, and the test was right you are going to be ovulating within the hour!) I was so happy & relieved that my body is finally doing what it’s supposed to do and I am actually ovulating!!!!!😱🤗 So now the waiting process....🙄 I’m now 9dpo and I couldn’t wait anymore so I took a test...I know, I know I’m very impatient! But I can’t help it. Me looking at it I could see a vvfl but I need some help! I tried to use different filter to see if it made it more clear. But I swear there is a line there it’s just very very faint!! Or my eyes are playing tricks on me bc I want to see it. Just give it to me straight if you see something or not!. Thank all of you so much for helping me with this journey!🤗😍❤️😘