Mummies in the UK


Hey ladies can anybody give me an idea of how SMP (statutory maternity pay) works? I work full time and will receive full pay for the first 19 weeks of my maternity leave, after this I will be given SMP for the following 20 weeks. From what I’ve seen, SMP is less than half of my weekly wage so would I be eligible for any additional benefits to make up my pay (e.g working tax credits etc)? I have been saying that I will return to work after 19 weeks but I’m already starting to feel that’s too to early to leave my baby 😢

I’ve looked on the website but it’s sending my head in a spin, I’m going to speak to my manager when I’m next in but if there is anyone here who has any idea or experience in how it all works and can let me know it’d be much appreciated ☺️