Gonnorea shot ?

Sorry guys ik I spelled it wrong but I hope you know what I’m trying to say, I’m sexually active and I’m on birth control,

I don’t use condoms but I’ve only had sex with one partner and he have had multiple partners but since we started having sex hes only done it with me.

I got tested like 2 weeks ago when I went to see if I had a uti ( didn’t ) and she asked if I wanted a the gonnorea shot just Incase but I don’t know anything about it

I’m 16 and my mom doesn’t Know I have sex so if I ask her about it she’ll figure out,

Did anyone get the shot? And how did it effect ur health. Did it make it worse ? ( sickness, weakness etc ?? ) please lmk!

And should I?

Both me and my part got checked and we both don’t have anything like I suspected, but I am starting to use condoms