Making Love: A (Long) Beautiful Story

My husband encouraged me to publish a post on <a href="">Eve</a>. I haven’t published my own post yet, and am sort of nervous to put myself out there more than I already have, but I’ll give it a try, anyway. Here goes:

In my opinion, there’s a difference between making love and simply having sex. I suppose anyone can “have sex”, and satisfy their lustful passions by climaxing. But “making love” is more like a glorious expression of a genuinely committed couple’s mutual love for each other. It’s the act of two becoming one, moving in beautiful harmony and unison to the heartbeat of true love.

My husband and I have been married for two months now and we love every moment of married life. We’re also both Christians who love Jesus with all our hearts. We try to keep our marriage centered on Him and thank Him daily for giving us to each other and also loving us individually even more than we could ever love each other. Honestly, one reason I’m super attracted to my hubby is because of his genuine love for the Lord, which permeates every aspect of his life and relationships, including his marriage to me.

I am so grateful my husband takes care of me and provides for me and protects me. Not everyone who wants that, has that. I’m aware of how blessed I am. And yet, he feels the same way about me. He constantly tells me how happy he is I’m his wife and, and says to me almost daily, “thank you for saying ‘yes’ to me.” I am his princess and he is my Prince Charming, and Jesus is our King. He says I am beautiful inside and out and worthy of being loved and highly intelligent and wise beyond my years. He says my body is beautiful because God made me in His image, and that it doesn’t matter what anyone thinks about me, or my body, not even him. But that it only matters what God thinks about me, and God thinks I am “fearfully and wonderfully made”, and loves me so much that He sent His Son Jesus to die for me so I didn’t have to pay the price for my sins. My husband constantly leads me and points me in the direction I should go, which is towards Jesus and away from sin. He is such a good influence on me. And yet he is always wanting to know my opinions and asking me for advice, too.

I trust my husband with my heart, my mind, my very life. I even trust him while I sleep. To prove my point, I will tell you a story. I think it’s amazing.

I recently started asking my husband to make love to me while I’m sleeping. But he’s so decent and caring and in love with me that he initially felt it was WRONG to do that. I managed to convince him that this is what I WANTED, though, and that I was honestly giving him my consent. As a compromise, we agreed to make love until I fall asleep, at which point he will continue only until he climaxes, and then he ends the session and removes himself from me. And he only climaxes because I requested him to do so, BEFORE I fell asleep.

The first time this happened, I actually WAS asleep. But the second time I asked him to do this, I decided to pretend I was asleep, just to be sure. And I’m good at faking sleep. I think. What resulted was extremely beautiful and would’ve brought tears to my eyes had they been open not trying to pretend to be asleep. And interestingly enough, him making love to me in my sleep has ended up helping me overcome some of my PTSD induced nightmares regarding horrible past experiences I endured at the hands of other people. This is currently the best memory I have of my husband making love to me. I plan to come clean to him about it (my pretending to be asleep) after I post this. I’m not a fan of hiding things like that from him. But I just HAD to know!!! 😍

Making love......while asleep....I really must trust my husband.

He gently lays me down on our bed, and lets me get comfortable. I reaffirm my consent to do this, and then he agrees to it and sets up some soft, sleepy Christian worship music. He turns off the light, climbs on top of me, and starts to make love. A couple minutes later, I pretend to fall asleep. Then I wait and see what will happen.

The moment my hubby thinks I’m asleep, he moves the music speaker closer to where my head is, and then wraps his arms around me like he’s trying to hold me close to him. He pulls the covers up over us, and then gently, slowly, sweetly and tenderly makes love to me. When he is finished, he holds me closer and tighter to himself and lovingly kisses me. He stokes my hair, my cheeks, and I can feel him gazing at my face. I hear him sniff, and I know he is tearing up. From a sweet happiness. Rejoicing over me. The Bible verse from Isaiah 62, “As the bridegroom rejoices over his bride, so shall your God rejoice over you” pops into my mind when I feel a single tear fall on my face. Then, true to his word, after kissing me on my forehead, my hubby removes himself from me and puts my legs down. He gets out of bed, grabs a package of cleansing wipes, and then cleans me off like I had asked him to before “falling asleep.” He is ginger yet thorough in the way he cleans me up, and handles me with great care. When he is finished, he puts the wipes away and then proceeds to tuck me in, placing the brand new teddy bear in my arms that he had bought me for our 2nd month anniversary. He lowers the music volume little bit, and then climbs into bed next to me. After making sure I’m all settled in, he pulls me close to him and holds me in his embrace, his hand cradling my head against his shoulder. Then my hubby softly strokes the hair on my head until he falls asleep with me against his chest, and his breathing slows and his fingers stop moving.

This was truly, for me, the most beautiful and mind blowing and heart wrenching display of love I have EVER experienced from my husband. Only the Lord’s love can top that for me. I am so blessed to have such an amazing husband who honestly DOES make love to me. And he didn’t even know I was awake. He thought no one was watching. And now I know I really can trust my husband. Even when I’m asleep. Next time, I’ll let myself fall asleep again for real. Now that I’ve said all of this, I’m going to tell my husband. He deserves to know. I am thankful for this beautiful man of God.