Need advice.😭

So a few weeks I found out that I was pregnant. I’m 8weeks 2days, I’m literally so emotional I can’t even talk to my friends about it or family anymore. The father of my child and I had been seeing each other for a few months and we kinda mutually quit talking for like two weeks. The day we started talking again I knew something wasn’t right and I took a pregnancy test. He’s the only person I have slept with so that’s not the problem. He acted so excited and I was in shock because doctors told me I would have a hard time getting pregnant with one ovary. I’m truly happy now but the father of my child hardly talks to me I ask if he’s going to any appointments and he tells me “I’ll see”. He’s known about my appointment since I made it and he still doesn’t know if he can go or not. And I understand with work but I feel like he’s just not making an effort. My aunt started drama with his sister so now his whole family is mad at me thinking I’m the one starting stuff but it’s literally tearing my family apart too. I blocked my aunt on everything and he still won’t talk to his family to fix the misunderstanding. He tells me he loves me but I don’t feel like he does. I’m not sure what to do anymore because I feel like it’s a never ending cycle of me crying myself to sleep. We talked the other day about it because he started to just ignore me and I told him how it hurt me and he apologized and then before I even left his house he was back to being an ass. I never wanted to be a single mom because I know it takes a very strong woman to do that but I feel like that’s what it’s coming too and it breaks my heart. I seriously need advice on someone else’s opinion.