Plan B/Pregnant?

So my boyfriend and I last Friday(14th), he stuck in the tip just barely and I’m not on birth control or anything and he didn’t use a condom. But that lasted like 2 minutes and then nothing else bc he had to leave. I was supposed to get my period the 16th and so the 16th rolled around and I didn’t get it and my 2 close friends told me I should take plan b because I could get pregnant from precum. So that night I took plan B and I’ve been fine since. We had sex the 18th and then last night with a condom. But this morning when I woke up I was bleeding... I didn’t know if it was from sex, or the plan b, or “implantation bleeding” or I was getting my period?

I have to go to sports practice so I’ve stuck a tampon in but I’m not sure what to think. It’s normal blood color not super light but not super dark. I’d talk to my mom but she can’t know we are having sex or she’d flip out...