**update**Help micarried?


Ok so I have not taken a pregnancy test and as per my prior post I was worried cuz of the excessive blood and pain I was In. So today is the third day on period and it’s gone??? Like hey AF where did u go?? U made a scene in the beginning and just decided to leave? Should I still test? I mean I still feel a lil pain but not like before!

Ok so according to <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android.eve">eve</a> my period was late 2 days. Last month I got my period on the 21st. This month my period came right on time but I notice it is very very heavy. I was standing up eating when a big splat just ran down my leg (I had a dress on) and caused splatters on my white floor. My kids started freaking out. This never happens to me. I went and showered and still was dripping like crazy. this so odd. I then got dress and put on a pad. like 45 minutes later I had to replace the pad with two because it almost passed through my undies. Now I’m having sever sharp pain In my belly it comes and go. Sort of like a contraction that had me screaming for a second in the restroom.

Could this be normal? Or could this had been a misscarriage. And it’s so weird cuz I feel the pain on my abdomen radiating to my butt.