Cant catch a break !!


So I'm 37 weeks pregnant today. This pregnancy is my fourth pregnancy and so far it has been my worst yet. When I was 20 something weeks pregnant got diagnosed with gallbladder stones (seriously the most painful thing ever) and then around 30 weeks got diagnosed with kidney stones. Had to have surgery to get a stent put in. This stent is ruining my life lol. What I mean by that is I cant do everything that I want to do before baby gets here.. it hurts to walk. Hurts to sleep.. literally everything. And now to top it off I have a really bad sinus infection! I'm getting induced next week at 38 +1 day and I can not wait for that day !! I'm counting down the days !! Ugh sorry about my little rant just cant deal with all this pain anymore :(. Has anyone else gone though similar?