Apparently accurate for telling gender..


My mum swears by this and she has had five children and it worked on every one...

A midwife told her this when she was pregnant with her first...

How many days is your cycle? I will work mine so it’s easier for you to do yours...

Mine is 30 days.

My last period was 10th August.

I conceived on 25th August.

Now what you have to do is half the days of your cycle length so mine would be 15.. then add those days to your last period date... so mine would be 25th August.

Now they say that male sperm travels quickest and dies first and the female sperm lasts for 72 hours a lot longer than the male sperm...

So I ovulated on 25th August which is the day I conceived which means I’m having a boy... if I would have conceived a few days later then it would most likely be a girl...

We’ll see I guess but thought If you knew your dates you may want to try this method😬😬😬

So, what you all having based on this theory?

💕☺️ 6 weeks 1 day today 🙏🏼