IVF day 8 scan


Just had my ultrasound this morning on day 8 of stims. 4 measurable on the left, 4 measurable on the right, and 3 too small on the right to measure. Most were around 15mm, some were larger. Was really hoping for more, as I had 8 measurable at my day 5 scan. Going back tomorrow for another ultrasound. Really hoping for a good number of embryos so we can do PGS testing. Also if this round is successful insurance won't pay for anymore <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a>, so we were hoping to have some to freeze. I should be happy, as my first round we only got 5 mature eggs.

Anyone have similar results on day 8 of stims? What was the outcome and number of mature eggs?